Carlos Martin

Carlos mit Trompete in NewYork

freischaffender Posaunist und Lehrer,
der weltweit mit großen Stars wie u. a. Andrea Bocelli und Alicia Keys, auf der Bühne steht.

Carlos Martin über seine Posaune: „Kühnl Trombones give me all what I need from an instrument. It’s a really versatile instrument with a warm and beautiful sound full of harmonics, but also with a great attack response and projection to play lead. Very flexible and great intonation. I love to use it in all different kind of works that I do as: playing jazz as a soloist, playing lead on big band, salsa gigs, pop recordings and tours. I fell in love with this instrument since the first time I tried a Kühnl trombone.”

B-Tenorposaune Bart van Lier “.480/88 MK II”, persönliches Bart van Lier-Modell

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